Industrial & Residential Power
Distribution System Design
An electric power distribution system is the final stage in the delivery of electric power; it carries electricity from the transmission system to individual consumers. Distribution substations connect to the transmission system and lower the transmission voltage to medium voltage ranging between 2 kV and 35 kV with the use of transformers. Primary distribution lines carry this medium voltage power to distribution transformers located near the customer's premises. Distribution transformers again lower the voltage to the utilization voltage of household appliances and typically feed several customers through secondary distribution lines at this voltage. Commercial and residential customers are connected to the secondary distribution lines through service drops. Then this power should be sent to the load ends in a safe, compliant and well organized manner through the implementation of a properly planned distribution system design. Customers demanding a much larger amount of power may be connected directly to the primary distribution level or the sub transmission level and it usually happens for large industrial plants and commercial or likely facilities.
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